Diamond is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of super-premium dog and cat foods and is the choice of top breeders, kennel owners, sporting enthusiasts, and family pet owners world-wide.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


What is it about these pests? For one thing, they are quite amazing athletes. As small as a flea is, it can jump 7 inches in the air and 13 inches across the ground. If

you translate this into people terms, a human could jump 250 feet in the air and 450 feet across the ground. Amazing, huh?

Fleas are the number one cause of allergies in pets. Your dog or cat does not need to be covered in fleas to have an allergic reaction, the bite of a single flea can be enough to trigger an allergic reaction and a very itchy pet!

If you see fleas on your pet, these fleas actually came from eggs that were laid as much as 8 weeks ago! Usually, we do not see the first fleas that are on our pet. These fleas lay 50 eggs per day, which results in the visible fleas that trigger a trip to the vet in 1-2 months. Unfortunately, this indicates an infestation in the home that must be dealt with as well.

Monthly medications from your veterinarian are the best prevention and treatment method. They must be given continuously, to prevent reinfestation. One or two months may kill the fleas that are on your pet now, and stop the lifecycle, but the treatment needs to be continued to break the cycle and treat the environment. Talk to your vet today, before these acrobatic pests cause a problem for your pet.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

National Pet Week, can you make a difference?

It’s National Pet Week and all over the country pet lovers are partnering up with animal societies to promote the health, well being and happiness of animals. Diamond Pet Foods would like to pay tribute to the people who are behind all of the pet adoption drives and health events. While there are just too many names to mention, these are the people who know what a difference caring for an animal can make.

There are plenty of stories out there about how our pets can impact our lives, but one in particular stands out. In rural Tennessee, on 157 acres of land lives a woman named Margie. Margie lives by herself, has diabetes and suffered for many years from depression. Her daughter Lynn, who lives in Ft. Lauderdale and is a personal friend of mine, was deeply concerned not only about her mom’s health but about her state of mind as well. Since logistics and Margie’s stubbornness prevented any kind of professional help, Lynn was at a loss about what to do. Finally, Lynn decided that maybe if her mom had a pet to take care of, it might inspire her to take better care of herself. So Lynn flew to Tennessee and found a beautiful golden retriever named Max, who was in need of a home.

Max’s owner had passed away several months earlier and he had been shuffled back and forth between relatives who couldn’t take care of him. Lynn saw an opportunity and delivered Max to Margie’s home. The difference for both Margie and Max was evident immediately and was very impressive. Because Max needed it, Margie got up every day and took him outside for exercise and play. The two developed an amazing friendship, and the last time Lynn visited, she reported that her mom was not only up and walking around (which had been a big problem), but was playing with Max and giggling and in better spirits than she had been in years. Margie’s doctor reported that her health and her attitude had vastly improved.

At Diamond Pet Foods, we know that caring for a pet reduces stress and provides companionship for human and pet alike. As always we strive to provide you with the best food, advice and news to aid you in caring for your friend. Its National Pet Week and we encourage you to get involved if you can.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Could Your Dog be having an Allergy Attack?

Does your dog’s constant scratching drive you crazy? Allergies could be the culprit. There are many causes of discomfort in dogs. Flea allergies are the most common and just because you don’t find any fleas on your pet doesn’t mean they’re not having a reaction to a flea allergy. Diamond Pet Foods often posts articles about the health of your dog and there is a great one about Allergic Disease in dogs and cats available on the website now.

Of course fleas are not the only cause of allergic reactions in your pet. Other common causes include:

  • Inhaled Allergies – can be caused by pollens, dust, storage mites and grass are the second most common.

  • Contact Allergies – It is now believed that a dog that is allergic to Bermuda Grass will not only react to inhaling the allergens, but also to rolling around in the yard where the grass is present.

  • Food Allergies - these are the least common and can be treated with an elimination diet.

Common food allergens include beef, wheat, poultry, and dairy products. Food allergies may be less common than other types of allergies, but will cause persistent symptoms that can be resistant to treatment. A 6-8 week elimination diet can often times reveal the cause of the allergy, but it is vital that your pet be fed only the diet that is being tested (sorry, no treats or table food allowed).

Check out the Diamond Pet Foods website for information and news about your pet’s health and well being. We are committed to helping you give your pet the long healthy and happy life that he or she deserves

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