Diamond is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of super-premium dog and cat foods and is the choice of top breeders, kennel owners, sporting enthusiasts, and family pet owners world-wide.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Fit Pets Live Longer

Like humans, if a pet is fit and healthy, it will likely live longer. Your pet is totally dependent on you for fitness and eating habits. If you are noticing that your pet is not as fit your vet recommends or a little over weight, now is the time to change the behavior to help them live a longer life. Here are some things you can do to help jumpstart the process.

  1. Feed your pet properly - Do the necessary research for the breed and size of pet. If you are guessing, or just going by what you think the pet wants can be harmful to your pet. Talk to professionals to make sure that your pet is getting the proper type of food in the right amounts so that they will receive the nutrition they need. If you need to change your current feeding habits, do it gradually so your pet will have time to adjust to anything new.

  1. Fresh Water - Give your pet fresh water throughout the day and be sure to give more in hotter months. Monitor water levels and keep up with your pets drinking habits. A hydrated pet is a healthy pet.

  1. Play with pets – Play with your pets every day. This will help them stay active and have some fun too. Play ball with your dog or tease your cat with its favorite toy. Not only will playing keep your pet healthy, but it is a great bonding and social activity for the pet as well.

  1. Training – This is one of the best ways to keep your pet safe. Taking a trainable animal to obedience school is a great idea for many reasons. It will help socialize the animal and keep you and others safe. A trained pet is a safe pet.

  1. Doctor Visits – Many people take this for granted, but it is one of the most important steps to keeping your pet safe. It is important to take your pet to the vet at least once a year for check ups. If you have an exotic or special care pet, try to find a vet that is specialized and familiar with your pet’s species and breed.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Pet Orthotics

From the repair of torn ligaments to mending broken bones, veterinary orthopedic medicine has made huge advances. But, what happens when the cost of a surgery is prohibitive or when surgery alone cannot give a pet a good quality of life?

Like their human counterparts, animals are also prone to a variety of debilitating injuries and pains including torn ligaments, broken bones and debilitating arthritis.

Human medicine has battled these ailments with the help of orthotics for years. By using custom braces and devices to support and correct limb function, orthotics help individuals with neurological problems such as cerebral palsy, strokes and spinal cord injuries, as well as orthopedic injuries like ligament tears and fractures. Additionally, these devices are used to support an injured joint before and after surgery.

Luckily, advances in veterinary orthopedics, combined with the ingenuity of human injury specialists, are bringing this type of relief to many pets – even saving lives!

With more than a decade of experience in human orthotics, Dr. Martin Kaufmann began exploring the potential of pet orthotics after his cousin’s Schnauzer suffered from a stroke and lost all ability in one leg. Facing amputation, Kauffman developed an ingenious brace allowing the dog to use his leg normally – saving his leg, and quite possibly – his life.

Since then, Kauffman has devoted his talents to helping pets. His company, Ortho Pets (www.orthopets.com) is dedicated to supporting the quality of pets’ lives through the science of orthotics.

So far, Kaufmann’s company has helped thousands of animals across the United States and Europe. Today, he continues to advance his work by teaching courses at Colorado State University.

But by far, one of Kauffman’s biggest success stories is about an adorable, overweight Labrador retriever named Otis.

Otis ruptured his rear leg Achilles tendon. Although the tendon was successfully repaired with surgery, Otis’ extreme obesity made it difficult for his leg to heal. To make matters worse, Otis began transferring his weight – eventually developing problems in his good leg. As a result, Otis was extremely uncomfortable, had great difficulty walking and poor quality of life.

Working with Otis’ veterinarian, Ortho Pets designed a pair of custom braces to protect the damaged leg, and at the same time, support his good leg. Now with a strict diet and miracle braces from Ortho Pets, Otis is a healthy, happy Labrador retriever.

Often, a painful orthopedic condition can cause severe suffering and disability in a pet. Unaware of companies like Ortho Pets, pet owners often believe that easing the pain of their companion through euthanasia is the only option – this is not always the case.

In some cases, a custom orthotic brace alleviates pain and corrects dysfunction, allowing the pet to move normally and without pain.

Likewise, owners often face difficult decisions due to surgery costs and extended aftercare services their pet may require. Additionally, many veterinary surgeons recommend strict cage rest with no activity for six to eight weeks after surgery. For many dogs, this enforced rest period is difficult.

Custom orthotic braces may support the post-operative joint, allowing the animal to become active earlier. For some elderly pets or pets who are not good surgical candidates, a brace may support the injured joint well enough for the pet to live a normal life without surgery.

Custom orthotics provide more options when striving to help an injured or disabled pet. Working together, pet owners, veterinary surgeons and orthotic specialists improve and save the lives of many pets that may have been forced to live with pain – or perhaps, may not have lived at all.

To see pictures or video of Otis and custom

orthotic devices, visit www.MyVNN.com.

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Friday, April 04, 2008

Keeping pets cool in the summer.

Summer is approaching fast and with that comes warmer days and increased outdoor activity. In the past we have talked about how to keep your pets warm in the winter. Summer months provide a different challenge; keeping your pets cool. With a little more attention and some forethought, you can keep your pets cool and healthy during the hottest parts of the year.

By following these guidelines you can be sure that your pet will stay cool and healthy.

Provide extra water – As activity outdoors increases, your pet will need more water to stay cool. At home, provide more than one dish, or monitor water levels to be sure your pet does not run out. If you are outside walking or hiking, it is essential that you bring water for your pet. Water is necessary to keep up with the increased activity and heat. Another form of water to offer can be in a bath or running sprinklers. Pets can cool off by drinking or walking through this water.

Limit exercise time – Take your walks or jogs in the early morning or later in the day after sunset, these parts of the day are generally cooler.

Summer haircut – By getting your pet trimmed, you can help them be more comfortable in the heat. Remember never to shave down to the skin. By doing this you remove the essential protection the natural coat provides and increases the chances of sunburn.

Keep travel plans in mind – Try not to fly at the height of summer as this is the hottest time of the year. When you fly with pets, many times they will be transported in another area of the plane that is not temperature controlled. If you must fly, try and request a direct flight. For those traveling by car, bring lots of water and check on your pet often.

Other Quick Tips

  • Never leave pets in the car
  • Provide more shade
  • Keep pets in well ventilated areas
  • Pay more attention to them in the summer

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