Diamond is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of super-premium dog and cat foods and is the choice of top breeders, kennel owners, sporting enthusiasts, and family pet owners world-wide.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Make sure your pet is well taken care of when you go away!

Heading out of town? Diamond Pet Foods would like to remind you of the importance of finding a good kennel for your pet before you go. Picking the right kennel requires some research and should not be left for the last minute. Don’t forget that your extended absence may be a stressful time for your dog or cat. Add that and an unfamiliar environment and it can contribute to health and behavioral problems. Finding a kennel with qualified staff that is trained to identify and respond to your pets’ issues can relieve that stress.

There are several things you can do to ensure your beloved pet will have a happy and healthy stay while you are away. When looking at a boarding kennel, you’ll want to take a tour of the facility (before the boarding appointment). Ask about exercise time and facilities. For instance, is there a large area for dogs to run? Are there cat condos so that your kitty can climb and scratch? How much time do the pets stay in locked kennels?

You’ll want to make sure that your pet will have playtime and contact with both humans and other animals alike. In short, if your pet is going to be alone for as much or more time than they would if they were left at home, then you will want to find an alternate facility. A good way to find kennels is to talk to your vet, or others whom you know care about animals.

Another option is a qualified pet sitter who will come to your home or even keep your pets in their home. References are very important to check if you do not know the pet sitter personally. Make sure to specify exactly how many times per day (and at what times) the pet sitter should come. An added bonus of a pet sitter is that they often will collect your mail or papers and might even water your plants while you are gone!

When you leave, do so with the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your animal is safe. Diamond Pet Foods wishes you a good trip and a safe return and remember that our primary concern is the health and well being of our animal friends.



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