Diamond is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of super-premium dog and cat foods and is the choice of top breeders, kennel owners, sporting enthusiasts, and family pet owners world-wide.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pets Help us Heal

Who knew man’s best friend could be the best medicine for recovery? Many physicians are starting to recommend pet therapy to patients for living a healthier life.

Research has shown that being in a room with a pet can lower blood pressure and reduce stress levels. Some researchers believe this is because relationships with pets are not as complex as those with humans, which makes it easier to relax.

Pets have also helped ill patients deal with their conditions. Because it seems that pets are always happy, patients say they can’t feel anything but happy when the pets are in the room. Physicians have seen unresponsive patients become interactive with pets in the room.

Pets are also a proven way to help people maintain a healthier lifestyle. People with pets are more active than those without. The increased activity level helps people stay fit through the course of their life.

If you are interested in introducing a new pet into your life, my advice would be to contact your local shelter or humane society. There are many pets available through these channels and others that are waiting to give you unconditional love.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tips to help Your Pets cope with Fireworks

With Independence Day being less than a month away, it is a good time to discuss the relationship between pets and fireworks. Fireworks can be very harmful to your pets, causing hearing problems and psychological stress. Many pets react differently to fireworks and loud noises, so when using the below suggestions, you will want to monitor your pet to be sure they are reacting safely.


  • Exercise your dog during the day
  • Never walk your dog while fireworks are going off
  • During the evening hours when fireworks are most common, keep your dog inside with windows and curtains shut. It is good to play music or have the TV on to mask the noise.
  • Don’t get upset if your dog wants to hide in a corner or under furniture. If you show anger, the dog can associate this with something that they are doing wrong and have psychological issues in the future. They may also become defensive.
  • Be sure your dog is wearing a collar with up-to-date information so he can be returned if he runs off.

If your dog gets especially upset during firework displays and other loud noise events, you can ask your vet about the Dog Appeasing Pheromone. This is a synthetically created chemical that acts like the natural scent produced by a dog shortly after it has given birth. This pheromone is naturally calming and reassuring to newborn puppies. You can get it in the form of a plug in diffuser that will spread the scent in the air. Scientists have found that it works on dogs of all ages.

Cat owners can follow the same rules as you would a dog. Cats often react the same as dogs do. They will hide, act upset and possibly hiss or claw if you try to bring them out of their hiding place.

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Monday, June 09, 2008

Common Household items can harm pets

Pets can be a lot like babies, very curious and able to get into almost anything. This is why it is especially important to keep household items and chemicals locked up and out of reach. Below are the most common items the National Animal Poison Control center reports as seeing increases in occurrences over time.

Human Medications – This is the most common item that emergency vets report that animals get into. Prescription medication is made according to the size and weight of the person taking it, so it can be very harmful even in small amounts pet. Over the counter medications such as Tylenol are very toxic, especially to cats.

Veterinary Medicines – While your vet may prescribe drugs for your pet, it is important to only give the amount directed. Much like human medications, vet medicines are prescribed in determined amounts. If your pet gets too much, it could prove harmful. This is especially dangerous when you use medications that are flavored to make them easier to administer. If a pet gets a hold of the bottle, they may end up eating a very large quantity of medication.

Common House Plants – Obviously, poisonous plants should be avoided all together, but even more common house plants should be kept out of reach of your pets as they can upset the stomach of pets.

Home improvement items – Things such a cleaners, solvents, glues and other toxic chemicals should be locked up or kept out of reach. Also included in this group would be common household cleaners such as floor cleaner, bathroom cleaner and ammonia products.

Antifreeze – Most people are aware of the dangers of antifreeze but many do not realize that it requires only a very small amount to be ingested before toxic effects occur. Clean up any spills immediately and keep bottles of antifreeze out of the access area of your pets.

There are many other items in your home and work area that can be dangerous for pets. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t want a child to get into it, you don’t want your pets to get into it either. If you are unsure about an item, keep it out of reach. If your pet should happen to get into any item, seek medical attention immediately.

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

People Food can be deadly to your Pet

It can be tempting to treat your pet to “people food”. Did you know that certain types of people food can cause sickness and even death for your pet? While it is hard to resist the sad puppy dog look, it is important to resist giving them human treats. In 2007, the Animal Poison Control center received over 130,000 calls due to human food and other household items. When treating your pet, it is important to stick to the treats specifically made for animals. Below is a short list of common foods that can be harmful to your pet’s health

  • Chocolate – It contains Theobromine, which can kill your pet if eaten in large quantities. Dark and unsweetened bakers chocolate are especially toxic to pets. When using these items in the kitchen, keep them out of reach and never give them as treats.

  • Sugar-free gum – Often contains xylitol, an artificial sweetener. This ingredient can alter the blood sugar levels of your dog, leading to collapse and seizures. It can also cause acute liver failure.

  • Grapes and raisins – This might come as a surprise but these fruits can make your pet very sick. They can lead to kidney failure over time. The toxin can build up in your pets system, so even 1 or 2 grapes or raisins a day over a period of time can have serious consequences.

  • Alcoholic Beverages – This may be a very obvious tip, but alcohol can have dire effects on your pet. These beverages can have the same damaging effect as they do in people, but even more so in animals. Their bodies and organs are much smaller than ours, so they can tolerate less.

If you are looking to reward your pet for good behavior, or just give them a treat, it is important to give only treats made for your pet. If you have questions about what to feed your pet, contact your vet.

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