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Monday, June 09, 2008

Common Household items can harm pets

Pets can be a lot like babies, very curious and able to get into almost anything. This is why it is especially important to keep household items and chemicals locked up and out of reach. Below are the most common items the National Animal Poison Control center reports as seeing increases in occurrences over time.

Human Medications – This is the most common item that emergency vets report that animals get into. Prescription medication is made according to the size and weight of the person taking it, so it can be very harmful even in small amounts pet. Over the counter medications such as Tylenol are very toxic, especially to cats.

Veterinary Medicines – While your vet may prescribe drugs for your pet, it is important to only give the amount directed. Much like human medications, vet medicines are prescribed in determined amounts. If your pet gets too much, it could prove harmful. This is especially dangerous when you use medications that are flavored to make them easier to administer. If a pet gets a hold of the bottle, they may end up eating a very large quantity of medication.

Common House Plants – Obviously, poisonous plants should be avoided all together, but even more common house plants should be kept out of reach of your pets as they can upset the stomach of pets.

Home improvement items – Things such a cleaners, solvents, glues and other toxic chemicals should be locked up or kept out of reach. Also included in this group would be common household cleaners such as floor cleaner, bathroom cleaner and ammonia products.

Antifreeze – Most people are aware of the dangers of antifreeze but many do not realize that it requires only a very small amount to be ingested before toxic effects occur. Clean up any spills immediately and keep bottles of antifreeze out of the access area of your pets.

There are many other items in your home and work area that can be dangerous for pets. A good rule of thumb is if you wouldn’t want a child to get into it, you don’t want your pets to get into it either. If you are unsure about an item, keep it out of reach. If your pet should happen to get into any item, seek medical attention immediately.

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